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Helping Christ-Centered Leaders Get the Right Tools

To provide hope for the broken-hearted & emotionally afflicted 


The Need

Do you believe that the church is adequately addressing the current wellness crisis?

Today, people are facing more stress, anxiety, and emotional challenges than ever before, leading to a global decline in wellness. We all play a vital role, especially as ministry leaders, in helping people cope with these challenges. Currently, this support is not being accomplished globally in the church!

How does it work?

Start by telling us a bit about yourself and your organization in the form below. Then, we will reach out to you with some information on next-steps.



Curation of Resources


Next Steps

Mighty & Emotional Foundation

Helping churches fill the gaps between their head, heart, & hands through consulting, coaching, & curation of resources.

©2023 by Mighty & Emotional Foundation

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